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Osteopathie Termin Buchung Online
Osteopathie Heilung


As part of complementary and alternative medicine, osteopathy is based on a holistic health concept and image of man.

In the course of our lives, stress, physical and emotional injuries leave their marks and imprints on the body. These may one day surface in the form of unreliable symptoms and an imbalance in health. Osteopathy makes it possible to find and treat those traces and prints in the body. In this way, the body is brought back to balance and health step by step.

The trained hands in osteopathy make it possible to “detect” mobility disorders and blockages in the various systems of the body and to treat them. Any restriction of the mobility of a tissue (e.g. muscles, ligaments, fascia, bones) can lead to a disruption of the health balance.

Osteopathie für Kinder

PARIETAL osteopathy

Approach to solving back and neck pain, as well as joint problems and spinal problems

Parietal osteopathy focuses on the musculoskeletal system - whether bones, muscles, ligaments or tendons - the structures involved in the musculoskeletal system are assessed using specific osteopathic diagnostics. With the help of tests for the spine, joints and muscles, we create a profile of your body and derive the optimal treatment for you. In this way, we want to permanently eliminate existing dysfunctions that often cause pain and show you what your musculoskeletal system needs in order to run smoothly in the long term.

Patients often come to us for:

Spinal problems e.g. slipped discs, Bechterew's disease, Scheuermann's disease, osteoarthritis,

Back problems, neck problems,

Temporomandibular joint e.g. grinding, pressing, clicking when opening the mouth,

Problems with hip, knee. Ankle joint,

Problems with shoulder, elbow or wrist,

ISG complaints,

Sciatica pain,

Ruptured muscle fibers or muscle bundles,


PARIETALE Osteopathie
Osteopathie für Erwachsene


From the head to the sacrum

Did you know that our skull consists of 22 individual bones that are connected to one another by so-called sutures (seams)? Or that the entire central nervous system - consisting of the brain and nervous system - is packed in a sack made of connective tissue that contains fluid that was constantly washing around the brain?

The cranio-sacral osteopathy (cranio-sacral therapy) deals with the head (cranium) and the sacrum (sacrum) and the connection between the two: the meninges and the central nervous system. We gain an impression of the mobility and position of the bones involved in the system and reposition any misalignments of your cranio-sacral system.

Patients often come to us for:

Headache: migraine, cluster headache, chronic headache,


Balance problems,

Visual disturbances, squinting, sore eyes,



Otitis media


Visceral osteopathy deals with the treatment of the internal organs. Using specific tests, we get an impression of your gastrointestinal tract, as well as your liver, spleen and kidneys. The results of these findings flow directly into our osteopathic treatment, which is often accompanied by supportive naturopathic methods. This procedure has proven itself for us in numerous cases.

Patients often come to us for:

Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract: recurring stomach problems and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, meteorism (flat stomach), food intolerance, intestinal rehabilitation, irritable bowel syndrome

Fatigue, listlessness

stomach pain

VISCERAL Osteopathy

When internal organs cause problems

Visceral osteopathy deals with the treatment of the internal organs. Using specific tests, we get an impression of your gastrointestinal tract, as well as your liver, spleen and kidneys. The results of these findings flow directly into our osteopathic treatment, which is often accompanied by supportive naturopathic methods. This procedure has proven itself for us in numerous cases.

Patients often come to us for:

Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract: recurring stomach problems and gastric mucosal inflammation, meteorism (flat stomach), food intolerance, intestinal rehabilitation, irritable bowel, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis,

Tiredness, listlessness,

stomach pain

Osteopathie Kopfschmerzen
VISZERALE Osteopathie
Osteopathie Wirbelsäule Brustkorb



Dr. Andrew Taylor Still was a pioneer in medicine and he is considered the founder of osteopathy. Born on August 6, 1828 in a log cabin in Lee County, Virginia, in the course of his career he discovered (as a result of his research) how osteopathy works and he translated the principles and practices of this healing art into a distinctive and unique system of health care.

The osteopathic treatment adapts to each patient according to their physical and psychological condition. Thus, individual treatment goals and treatment plans are created for each patient. Osteopathy is a form of medicine that can be used in addition to conventional medical treatment.

The aim of osteopathy is to accompany and support the patient on his way towards health and a better quality of life.
Osteopathic treatments are preventive and curative, but do not replace a visit to a specialist.

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